Microscience Work Station, Biology, Physics and Chemistry
Microscience Workstation: This is a Microscience Kit which encompasses a large proportion of the Year 10 (Key Stages 3 & 4) Practical Curriculum.
It is designed for individual use or for use in small groups. Curriculum based worksheets and guides are available. The system is recognized by curriculum and examination authorities. The Microscience Workstation covers Biology, Chemistry & Physics.
Worksheets and guides available to complement this workstation cover many experiments, for example see experiments tab.
Topics that may be covered with this workstation include:
Materials and their properties – separating mixtures
Acids and Bases
Patterns of behaviour – metal
Materials and their properties – useful products from oil
Materials and their properties – rates of reaction
Materials and their properties – the periodic table
Materials and their properties – useful products from air
Materials and their properties – energy transfer in reactions
Materials and their properties – useful products from ores and rocks
Chemical equilibrium
Organic Chemistry
…many more experiments can be performed.